Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"Weather alert. Weather alert. It's starting to snow."

So last night it started to sleet again. I had heard that there could be more snow but it hadn't started when I went to bed. I was supposed to be at work at 8:00 this morning but I was awakened by the phone ringing. It took me awhile to figure out what it was and then I wondered who was calling in the middle of the night. Well it wasn't the middle of the was 6:00 a.m. It was my manager of the store who said that she was snowed in and couldn't get out of the driveway. She lives in the country. So I had to open the store. I was really hoping I could get out of the driveway myself. Apparantly we had gotten between 10-12 inches of the snow overnight. So I got ready to go and then started backing out of the driveway and I got stuck right away. Luckily I was able to go forward and back and get out of the driveway. Our house is not technically in town so they don't plow our road. Luckily someone had already been down the road so I could go in their tire tracks. It was pretty amazing that I got out of the driveway and to work because later in the day Jason was trying to get out of the driveway and he couldn't do it. So I got to work and had to shovel off the front path. Oh, my! That took forever and it was likely to kill me. It was bad enough that there was so much snow but the snowplow had pushed some of the snow up to the sidewalk so there were tiny snowpiles all along it. Man! So then people called off work because they weren't able to get there. The girl that said she would come in at 8:00 got stuck in the snow and couldn't get out for an hour. Poor girl. So then on the way home our road was still really bad. By the time I got to our driveway I knew that if I took it slow I would get stuck for sure so I gunned it and amazingly slipped and slided my way into the driveway. It was so funny to see Tessa out in the snow. She followed Jason to the shed and she had to hop because she couldn't walk in it. She kept trying to walk in his footsteps. Funny girl. Then when they were walking back to the house Tessa ran under the porch and walked under there so she wouldn't have to walk in the snow. She was so cold. So I tried to take pictures of the snow tonight. It didn't work out to well. Anyway I was taking pictures and all of a sudden this picture comes up. It kind of freaked me out. I went inside and showed Jason who said, "It's probably your breath." Oh. See, that's why I married him. I had to go outside and see if he was right. He was. :) I think we are done with snow for awhile and as much as I like it......I'm done with it. I love it when it's snowing. It's so beautiful. I just wish it wouldn't stick to the roads, driveways, and sidewalks. Maybe I can invent a super sidewalk that heats itself. Oh, yes. I'm going to be stinkin' rich. :)


Karen said...

Do you have to work this weekend?

timpani76 said...

Snow! I love snow, but ice freaks me out. Why can't we just have snow all the time?

Josh and Jennifer Norman said...

Sometimes I wish we would get that kind of snow in Texas. All we get is the dew that freezes on our cars at night. I'm jealous! I'll post soon the pics of our "snow".

Becky said...

You would be totally rich with that idea! DO it!! I NEED it!!! I'm so sick of the snow being EVERYWHERE!

I don't know if I've already commented on how much I LOVE you in that hat! Such a cute picture of the both of you!

Natasha and Jesse said...

Man you did get a snowstorm!! We only got about 3 inches of snow here in KY but we did get a really big ice storm. Schools have been cancelled this whole week! Yes, you definitely should invent heated sidewalks. (They have them at BYU-Idaho) but we need them in the mid-west too. Cute pictures, I love the hat! And poor Tessa, she's so cute though. :-)