Here is Amy getting the right exposure and position for the picture and her husband Mike. This picture cracks me up especially because their son Zach does the same thing with his tongue. In fact I saw him drinking out of a straw while doing this. Zach, not Mike. :) Totally funny.
How hard is it to take a family photograph?

Here are my parents and their 6 kids. What a special day. I'm so grateful that families are forever. Aaron leaves for the MTC on February 3rd. My Dad joined the church while he was in Vietnam and my Mom joined soon after in Illinois. Now all 6 of thier children will have served missions. Amazing isn't it?

That is soooo awesome that you all have gone on missions! The pics of you family getting ready are like anyother, however you got it on camera.
Ok, I would love to hear the story of how your dad joined the church in Vietnam! Your parents should be so proud of all of you!
Funnily enough, I don't think the pictures quite capture the craziness of trying to take that picture... I think I still have an eye twitch. And WHY did I have to stand in the front....alone.... Cause I'm a dork.
How exciting! Where will your brother be serving?
Yeah, the Barnards are pretty awesome! Love your family!
loved the pics! i laughed so hard i almost cried! they were just so...barnard!
Greetings to the Wife of Babylegs! So, seriously, it seems as if Amy's family are my biggest fans. My OWN sisters don't even come to my blog. But anyway, stop by anytime, and thanks for leaving a comment!
By the way, about these pajama pants/capris--I'm just dying to see this photo of you all wearing the pants (And is it "especially" because both you and Amy have said how horrible you look in the photo, or is it "in spite of"? I can't be sure.)
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