Isn't it beautiful? I love those flowers. I like the pink version of this tree too.
I would really love to have a Magnolia tree in my yard. Just look at these flowers. They are so pretty.
I also want to have some Lilac trees. They are not only pretty but the smell is fantastic. The rent house we lived in for 2 years before buying this house had one in the side yard. They don't bloom for very long but when they do. Oh! I loved to walk by it to take the dog out. Fake lilac smell can not even begin to compare to the true lilac tree. If you have never smelled one then you should go out right now and sniff away.
I think that tree is called a Bradford Pear. I'm no arborist, but I AM cute, so I'm probably right...
Oh I LOVE all the spring time trees!!!! I hope our house in San Antonio sells soon, so I can start planting here!
I agree, lilac trees smell wonderful! What is the tree that smells so bad? It's sure pretty though.
Oh, we have those stinky white flower trees all over East Alton and the whole town smells like urine every spring because of it!
Pretty flowres
Your tree is gorgeous! So since there is an actual picture on your blog, does that mean you got your computer fixed?
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