Every summer my brothers and brother-in-laws (including Mike #2's dad....Mike) go on an overnight canoe trip. This year they decided to do something different but I'll blog about that later when I can get my pictures. This canoe trip was actually 2 years ago (2007).
2 years - See. I can do math.
I never have blogged about it and I ran across these pictures so I figured better late then never.

Mike #3, Mike #2, Aaron, Mike #2's dad Mike, Jason, and Mike #1

Aaron and Jason on the Current River.

Jason jumping off the cliffs. They all do it even though every year I beg Jason not to. Sigh... :)
I don't now if it was this year or the year before that both Aaron and Jason didn't put their sleeping bags into trash bags to protect them from getting wet.......which they did. The night got cold and the poor guys practically froze to death. Both of them said it was the coldest they ever remember being. They even tried putting the tarp over them I believe. They didn't sleep that night. They said they remember thinking that it MUST be early morning and then they looked at the clock and it was only a little after 11:00. They went out to the firepit and tried to make a fire out of leaves. Poor guys.