Monday, August 31, 2009


When I was little (I won't mention just how long I sucked my thumb....and had a blanket........okay I was at LEAST 10 years old.) I was a thumb sucker so there is a special spot in my heart for little children who suck their thumbs. Here are my favorite two. (I say because I think they are my only nephews and niece who ever sucked their thumb.)
My nephew Ethan (3).
My nephew Andrew (now almost 3 months).
I know they say that sucking your thumb isn't good for your teeth but I have to say......I SO hope my kids are thumb suckers. It just melts my heart.

The cuteness continues

I seriously have trouble not posting pictures of the adorableness of my nephews and I just so happen to have about a million of the newest of the bunch. So I figured perhaps I'd post some pictures of Jason and I with him this time. :) Jason holding Drew for the first time. He was a little hesitant to do it before. I can't remember how old he is but I'm guessing maybe a month old.
Me holding him the same day. He looks thrilled huh? :)
Me playing with my little buddy. He put his little legs up and I got his little feet with my lips. He was about 2 1/2 months.
Still 2 1/2 months old and all dolled up for church. Seriously, how cute could a kid get? I love it.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Amelia Bedelia?

I spent last weekend with Karen, Mike (well as much as I could with all his law school studying), and Andrew. It was a lot of fun but it went way to fast and there are so many things we wanted to do while I was there that we didn't do. Anyway, did you ever read the Amelia Bedelia books? She is the housekeeper lady that always messed things up. She took everything literally. Well, I think we found a new Amelia Bedelia. Karen. :) At least she had a good reason though. Andrew apparantly woke up almost every hour during the night so Karen was extremely tired that morning. She had to make carmel brownies (mmm) to bring somewhere. Here is the recipe.
Notice it says to mix by hand.
A little to literal there Karen. :) This is what little sleep does to a new mommy. It was hilarious though. As soon as she put her hand in the yummy mess she realized her mistake. So funny. What was the sweet little baby doing while Karen was stirring brownies with her hand?
I could snuggle that little guy forever.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Better late then never.

Every summer my brothers and brother-in-laws (including Mike #2's dad....Mike) go on an overnight canoe trip. This year they decided to do something different but I'll blog about that later when I can get my pictures. This canoe trip was actually 2 years ago (2007).
2 years - See. I can do math.
I never have blogged about it and I ran across these pictures so I figured better late then never.
Mike #3, Mike #2, Aaron, Mike #2's dad Mike, Jason, and Mike #1
Aaron and Jason on the Current River.
Jason jumping off the cliffs. They all do it even though every year I beg Jason not to. Sigh... :)
I don't now if it was this year or the year before that both Aaron and Jason didn't put their sleeping bags into trash bags to protect them from getting wet.......which they did. The night got cold and the poor guys practically froze to death. Both of them said it was the coldest they ever remember being. They even tried putting the tarp over them I believe. They didn't sleep that night. They said they remember thinking that it MUST be early morning and then they looked at the clock and it was only a little after 11:00. They went out to the firepit and tried to make a fire out of leaves. Poor guys.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Little us

Karen, me, and Amy looking a bit sleepy.
Me and Karen

This picture is of Karen (the taco), me, and Aaron. We used to LOVE making "human tacos". Seriously, aren't we totally adorable. The answer is yes. :)

To cut or not to cut.......

Okay, so my hair is getting really long. Which in a lot of ways is really nice, but, at the same time it tends to drive me crazy. I pull it back all the time since it's hot and I keep getting a bunch of tangles in the under layers and it's driving me batty. I also noticed yesterday that one of my split ends has a split end. So I am thinking of cutting it. I don't know how short to cut it though. I am at my sisters house going through their pictures and I found this old one (taken in 2002). There is a pretty funny story to go along with the lipstick on my cheeks and lips and the little person drawn on my finger (her name was Sister Pointer by the way) but I won't go into that except to say that someone attacked me with lipstick. It was mighty funny. We had so much fun that night even though we did have to run to Walmart and I still looked like that so it was a tad embarrasing but still so funny. ANYWAY, the point is I looked at this picture and wondered if this was the length my hair should be? Any opinions?
Speak now or forever hold your peace.
Oh, and those of you who live in Salem....any ideas on where to go to get it cut because I am NOT going back to where it was cut the last time. Blah.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Read on

If you haven't read these books then I recommend you do. Gail Carson Levine is a good, imaginative author. I liked Ella Enchanted a little bit more than The Two Princesses of Bamarre but they were both really good. So, I am sharing the news with you in hopes that you read and enjoy these books. I'll have to look for more books written by her. If you've read any and liked them then let me know.

Ding dong, you're wrong.

"I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken." :) I love that quote. Well I guessed wrong. Ashley and Russell are having a little boy and I am so excited for them.
Hooray for little boys.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

4 years!

Jason and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary on August 5th. We lived it up by going to Steak n' Shake (Jason's favorite) and then going to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince again. :) We had a good time and Jason was able to get off work so we could spent the evening together. Our computer is still acting up so my pictures are limited to what's already been posted so I can't do this post justice but I didn't want to let our 4 year mark pass by without writing about it and letting my husband know how happy I am that I married him.
4 years down........eternity to go.


One of my best friends, Ashley (on the left - isn't she beautiful?) and her husband Russell get to find out the sex of their baby tomorrow. I am so excited for them. She is due on Christmas day. What better Christmas gift could you possibly ask for? My prediction? I say......girl.

Friday, August 7, 2009


This is a picture of my Aunt Mary, Uncle David, and my dad. Take a close look at my Uncle David there in the middle and then look at the below picture 0f Scott Farkus from A Christmas Story.
Pretty funny huh? It totally cracks me up. Especially when you can put the pictures side by side. They look so much alike. Oh, man. Funny. Maybe that's why I love the movie so much. :)

I couldn't resist.

Well once again my computer is sick (and maybe dying this time) so I haven't been able to blog or post any pictures, which is a shame because I have several to share. However, I'm at my sister Amy's house and as I was looking through her pictures I ran across a couple of them that I just couldn't resist posting. So, here is your long awaited post.
My nephew Zach turned 8 in July and was finally able to be baptized. He doesn't really look all that thrilled in the picture but you can have it on good authority that he has been beyond excited about it and it was just an awesome day for him. Well, us too. He's such a sweetie. He gave so many thumbs up during the program. After the baptism we all came to Mike and Amy's to eat and have Zach's birthday party.
Zach has also been way excited to go to Cub Scouts. I had to put this picture in because he just looks too cute and so proud.

This picture is just so funny. The kid has his arms up so much when he sleeps. Even when he is sitting. So cute.

Need I say more?? I LOVE IT! Amy had bought him those shoes and I had bought him the hat last Christmas before we even knew he was a boy. I had to. Luckily he was a boy and he is SO cute in it. This is the outfit he wore on his first day at church in Columbia. Karen, Mike, and Drew moved to Columbia (not the country) :) last week. Mike starts Law School there in a few weeks. We are sad that they are not as close now but it still isn't too far away and it sure beats Boston or Utah. I talked to Karen on the phone the other day and she told me Andrew wore his hat but then when I saw the picture on Amy's computer I almost died (not literally of course). My hands did go to my mouth as I gasped in a "Holy cow, this is the cutest thing I have ever seen." kind of way. My boys will definatly wear those hats someday. True that. :)