Our ward's Trunk or Treat was this past Wednesday. Jason and I took our nephews Seth and Vincent. We had a good time. There was a potluck and then a pie eating contest. None of us did that but it was fun to watch. Then we went out to our car to pass out candy.

Here's Vincent. He is 14 months old. How totally adorable is this kid? Couldn't be cuter.

Here is his lobster costume from the back. Isn't this costume too cute?

Here is Seth (who's 11) and Jason trying to hold Vincent back so we could get a picture.

Here's my favorite Thing 1 in the world. Oh and here's another sneak peek at the house. This was taken in our hallway.
Tonight I went with my sister-in-law Liz to take the kids trick or treating. It's done so different in Salem. I've never seen anything like it. The whole town (or at least those with kids) go downtown and go up and down the main streets and the buisness's hand out candy. It's so wierd but it is safer then going door to door so it's kind of cool. Good times!
Cute little lobster!
And is Thing 1 from Dr. Suess? What book?
Thing 1! That's a good one. Did you go as Thing 2?
looks like you had fun!!
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