Thursday, April 21, 2011

Noah and his Mommy

Noah turned a month old yesterday and I realized I haven't really posted many pictures of the cute little guy. Partly because there are so many cute ones that it"s hard to pick and choose, partly because I am busy and this guy won't let me put him down (notice the lack of make-up and the fact that I am usually still in pajamas), and partly because of my health problems (will post about that later - I am getting better day by day though). So, I thought I'd start by posting pictures of us together.

Me holding Noah after I got back from recovery.
Yes....we are cute.

Cute little guy staring at his Mommy.

I'm tired.

I am grateful to have this little guy. He is such a sweetie and I love him to bits.


Nathan said...

PRECIOUS! You look great! I hope you are recovering well and quickly. Love you!

Nathan said...

Oops! Sorry! That's Becky from the mish above.

Karen said...

Ok, how is it that I missed this post, too?! You look so cute in these pictures (and I'm sure you chose the worst ones to post haha) and of course so does he. Andrew thinks every baby I show him now is "Nonah."