Friday, March 18, 2011

The big day

I am being induced on Sunday!! I'm excited and oh so nervous.


The Hawks said...

So exciting!! Can't wait to see pictures of the little man. Good luck and don't be nervous! But, getting plenty of sleep before then lol.

Tiffany Cramer said...

good luck tomorrow! you can do it!! :)

Take care of yourself and enjoy every minute you can holding that little one.

Karen said...

Can't wait to see him and find out what you guys decided to name him!!

Karen said...

Oh and I really like your background. The grass looks so pretty!

Natalie said...

Congrats! I saw pics on Karen's blog and he looks pretty perfect!

Natasha and Jesse said...

I hope everything went well! I saw a picture on your sister's blog. He is so cute! Congrats!