I was trying to find a picture of the rolling green hills (complete with sheep mind you) but I couldn't find one. I love St. Patrick's Day because of the association with Ireland. Not the day really just the green Irishy things. I definatly think it's stupid that you take a lovely holiday full of Irish bliss and have the holiday all about drinking. Whatever.
You have in no doubt noticed the Irish background I put on my blog. I must say that I like the little green shamrocks on the page but the more they are there covering the words the more they annoy me. The other backgrounds were just not exciting enough. Some were green and pretty but didn't express the joy. :) I love the green. Although, I do admit that it may be a bit of an overkill. A bit. :) Also, I HAVE to add.......just because the shamrocks on the side say Kiss me, I'm Irish (and I do believe I do have some Irish heritage) please do not kiss me.
I LOVE the accent. Even though Babe isn't the best movie in the world I still like to watch it occationally because it's set in Ireland. I just get a happy feeling I can't explain when Ireland comes up. Now I now that there's a possibility that I could go there some day and find out it's not all it's cracked up to be but for now....it makes me happy and I love it.