Friday, October 31, 2008

Trunk or Treat

Our ward's Trunk or Treat was this past Wednesday. Jason and I took our nephews Seth and Vincent. We had a good time. There was a potluck and then a pie eating contest. None of us did that but it was fun to watch. Then we went out to our car to pass out candy.
Here's Vincent. He is 14 months old. How totally adorable is this kid? Couldn't be cuter.Here is his lobster costume from the back. Isn't this costume too cute?Here is Seth (who's 11) and Jason trying to hold Vincent back so we could get a picture. Here's my favorite Thing 1 in the world. Oh and here's another sneak peek at the house. This was taken in our hallway.

Tonight I went with my sister-in-law Liz to take the kids trick or treating. It's done so different in Salem. I've never seen anything like it. The whole town (or at least those with kids) go downtown and go up and down the main streets and the buisness's hand out candy. It's so wierd but it is safer then going door to door so it's kind of cool. Good times!

no pain no gain

When Jason and I first started dating I came to see him and he had twisted his ankle playing basketball. It was all swelled up and bruised. Jason has inherited his mother's ankles. They twist easily and with Jason's love of basketball you can imagine where this is headed. I was at work on Tuesday when Jason came limping in. It was pretty comical to see him try to walk except for the fact that he was hurting. Anyway, here is a picture of his ankle 3 days later. Poor Jason.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Up to date

I'm going to try to bring you up to date here. First off we closed on our house the 25th of September.
This is a teaser picture because I'm not going to post any pictures until we get the house fixed up a little bit more so I can put some before and after pictures. The next week and a half we spent cleaning the house and painting all the rooms in the house. Well, almost all the rooms in the house. We still have a few to go. Then we moved in. It was a rainy day and actually a weekday so we didn't have much help until the evening. We still actually don't have everything in the house. It's frustrating but I am juggling all this while working full time and going to school full time. I guess I can also add my church calling in there. I'm the 2nd councelor in the Young Women's. That takes a lot of time and work. Needless to say I'm way past my breaking point. Especially since I have a new class starting tomorrow and it's accelerated so everything is going to go twice as fast. If I make it until December without having a complete breakdown then it will be a miracle. I use the word complete in there because I keep having baby breakdowns. :) Stressful times. Yikes
I guess here is one picture of the house but it doesn't count much because all you see is the wall and part of the floor. :) This is my nephew Zach. He and my sister Amy came down one day and helped me pick out some paint colors and paint the living room. Zach wanted to paint so I set him to work in the kitchen where there is no carpet. Good plan I think. I thought I had taken a picture of the wall after he finished painting because it was adorable but I guess I didn't. The color was on the wall in various little spots. To his credit though the kitchen paint was the same color as the existing paint so it was hard to see where you had put paint. It did dry a little darker but my goodness, trying to paint that kitchen later was one of the biggest pains in our painting days. I now feel as though I'm never painting another wall again as long as I live.....although that's not true because we aren't even done. :)

We have several trees in our yard and it's one of Jason's favorite things. This is a picture of Jason and my father-in-law Terry climbing one of the trees. While climbing down Terry said something to Jason (I don't know what) and Jason said, "I've watched Jurassic Park". It cracked me up big time. He was making a joke about the part in the movie when they are climbing down that big tree really fast. It would probably be funnier to you if I knew exactly what was said. For now you'll just have to trust me that it was funny.

My mom, dad, and brother Aaron came to spend the night in our new house on Friday night. Mom and Dad were going to a dulcimer festival. It was fun to have them there even if they couldn't be there very long. Jason and I drove to Edwardsville last night for our nephew Dustan's Eagle Scout award ceremony. I'm really proud of Dustan. It's wierd that I have a nephew who isn't a "child" anymore. We had to run out right before it was over so Jason would get home in time for work (we just made it). It was a good time. (Karen - did you notice how I plagerized your words?) Good times. It was great to see family even if it was for way too short of a time. I sure miss everyone.

Well I think that's about all the happenings from the world of Beasley. I've got a doctor's appointment on Tuesday. I guess that's something. Fun times. :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

So I found this website where you can upload pictures of you and your husband and it shows you what your children would look like....roughly. I sure hope it's not entirely correct because holy cow. Well first off I uploaded a picture of me and then one of Jason. This is the picture we got.

Either I've got a lot of explaining to do......or Jason and I will have to adopt after all. :) Really it must have turned out this way because the picture of Jason was shadowy so he looked darker than me. So my sister Amy lightened up the picture on photoshop and this is our new little girl.

A tiny bit better. At least it's a little bit more accurate. She is at least the same race as us.

Here is our little boy. Amazing how much he looks like his sister right? :) Good times.