Friday, June 27, 2008

Weepy confessions

I absolutely love the movie, "Meet the Robinsons". The first time I watched it I thought it was good but wierd.....until the end. I won't give away the ending for those of you who haven't seen it yet but the very last scene changed my opinion of the movie and it made me love the movie so much. The ending just makes me so happy and as soon as the song in the scene starts playing I tear up. In fact, I tear up EVERYTIME I hear the song on the radio (which is "Little Wonders" by Rob Thomas). So here I was today at work when the song comes on the radio. Luckily I was in the office working on the books so nobody actually saw me, but it happens every single time I hear it. I could just see Andrea (the girl I was working with) walk into the office and there I'd be all teary eyed. She probably wouldn't have been surprised. Of course this is nothing to what I used to do when I watched the movie, "A Little Princess". I used to bawl hysterically when I watched that movie. My family rightfully made fun of me for this because even when I tried to explain why the movie made me cry.....I would cry. I haven't watched the movie in a long time but it did get to the point where I would cry but not so forcefully. When Jason and I watch a movie together and there is a scene he thinks I might cry at he'll always turn to look at me. I find this really annoying but funny at the same time. If I am crying I don't want him to look at me because it's embarrasing but if I'm not it's pretty funny to me when he looks over. I just say, "I'm not crying Jason". Sometimes he has to try really hard not to look at me when he knows I'm crying and that is hilarious. I think it's safe to say that I cry.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"The Bug Sandwich"

If you'll notice, it's been several days (scratch that and replace it with weeks) since I've written last. If you think that's bad then you could also note that I haven't even given anyone this address. I've decided to reform and send our little blog address to you. This month has been relatively boring unless you count poor Jason's tooth incident. This earns him the much coveted "Bug Sandwich" award. It's an old title but a new award by the way and not really coveted....although it will be now I'm sure. :) It originated in my teen years where I thought everything bad happened to me and me alone. We were on a family trip and at lunchtime my mom brought out the sandwiches she had made and when I opened my ziplock bag I noticed a dead bug on my bread that had apparantly made it's way into my baggie. I then said, in complete seriousness, "I always get the bug sandwich". This has been a family joke since then. In fact my parents blew a tire on their way home from Tennessee recently and told me they thought of me and how they got the bug sandwich. Anyway back to Jason. Several years ago he broke off half of his front tooth at the city pool and had to have partial fake tooth put on. It fell off recently and he had to go a week looking like a complete hick or as his friends at work called him, Chip from "Beauty and the Beast". We tried making a dentist appointment but nobody could get him in until at least the end of July. Finally we made a quick trip to my parents in Missouri for a one nighter to get his tooth fixed by my sister's father-in-law (and a family friend)who is a dentist. What a wonderful man he is. Jason is now again the owner of two front teeth. This I am grateful for teeth and for dentists who care. :)

Saturday, June 7, 2008

It begins

I keep thinking I will start a blog when more interesting things happen in our life. It's pretty boring to write only about work, church, and sleeping but I figured it could be a few more years before we strike it rich or become famous so here it is. The challenge will now be trying to make everyday life exciting. Easier said than done but I have risen to the challenge and am determined to come out victorious. (See how I added the drama to make this blog more exciting). :) We've been getting the chance to swim in Jason's mom and step-dad's pool again this summer. It sure makes the heat a little more bearable even if that does involve revealing yourself in a swimsuit. Notice I picked a pool picture that doesn't include me. :)