I'm so happy that Noah has cousins so close to him in age. He has 2 cousins 6 months older than him and now 1 3 months younger. I so hope they all grow up close to each other. Life has been such an adventure with my sweet little guy. Noah is a good baby. He's usually pretty mellow unless he's very tired. He is a snuggler who doesn't like to sleep anywhere but my arms although during this visit to my sisters I've got him to sleep in his bouncer seat with it laid back a bit. He's even sleeping in there right now in the middle of the day. This makes me very happy. It doesn't always work but when it does it gives me a little bit of my freedom back. I think he might have some reflux or something because he sleeps so much better this way where he isn't laying completly flat on his back. When he lays on his back he spits up a lot. He's not a great eater. He doesn't even come close to the amount of ounces normal for a baby his age but despite that he still is growing strong and big so I guess he is getting enough for him. I took him to the doctor a little over a week ago and he weighed exactly 13 pounds which means he's doubled his birth weight. He's such a little sweetie and I can't imagine my life without him. I sure love my baby guy.
Elder Nielson's Homecoming Dinner
1 week ago
So happy for you Jeannette!
They grow so fast! He makes Emily look so tiny laying next to her ;)
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